The Hero also finds a note from Amanda exposing Elvira's true nature. When the Hero heads down there, he finds Amanda's skeleton, and Amanda's ghost appears and explains that her sister trapped her in the basement, where she suffocated, so she could become Mayor of Bowerstone. The Hero then travels to Grey House, stands by the abandoned stables, and lights his lamp twice, prompting a cut-scene of Amanda's ghost appearing and walking into the Grey House cellar. When the Hero interacts with him, Rhodri tells the Hero that he and Amanda used to meet at Grey House, the Grey sisters' childhood home, and signal each other by lighting lamps twice. Gethyn directs the Hero to speak to Amanda's fiancé Rhodri by the Demon Door in Barrow Fields. In The Lost Chapters and Anniversary editions of the first Fable game, the Hero of Oakvale can bypass Lady Grey's first two challenges by speaking to a man named Gethyn in the cells by Bowerstone Jail and agreeing to help him investigate Lady Grey for the murder of her sister Amanda. When the Hero visits Bowerstone North, Lady Grey expresses her desire to marry him, agreeing to do so if he can do three heroic things for her: give her a gift from town (specifically, a black rose), find her missing necklace (which is located in Oakvale), and defeat Thunder in combat. She then invites the Hero to visit her at her manor in Bowerstone North. Later, after the Hero of Oakvale beats the Arena quest, he meets Lady Grey, who is very impressed with his feats, much to the ire of her ex-suitor Thunder. The Mayor of Bowerstone, Lady Grey first appears briefly when the Hero of Oakvale visits Bowerstone South for the first time.